Paper #3 only has to be 4 - 6 Pages!
"Silly students, Trix are for teachers."
"Silly students, Trix are for teachers."
Hey all.
As far as these Final Presentations go, the list of the options and bonus things are in the syllabus... and, really, these Final Presentations are not meant to even look like a paper. For the "research a country" one.. just produce a fact sheet (examples in our book!) of whatever facts YOU find interesting: entertainment, clubs, prices of Nikes, etc. The last HUGE paper is Paper #3 (4 to 6 pages please! not 2.5 or 3.76 pages), and the last small paper is the Final In-Class Essay on the last day of class. I think I will assign our very last Writing Assignment (WA#11) tomorrow in class.
So, in conclusion, after this week we have the following going on (all this is in your syllabi too!! Did all of you lose those already?)::
--Group Conferences Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. 12-4pm each day. 20 minutes long. 3-4 people in each group.
--Paper #3 is due by noon on Wednesday of Thanksgiving week.
--Final Presentations Dec. 2- Dec. 11. About 7 presentation openings per day. 10 minute slots.
--Class Evaluations on Dec. 9.
--Final In-Class Essay on Dec. 11.
--Pick up Paper #3 in class on Dec. 11 as well.
As far as these Final Presentations go, the list of the options and bonus things are in the syllabus... and, really, these Final Presentations are not meant to even look like a paper. For the "research a country" one.. just produce a fact sheet (examples in our book!) of whatever facts YOU find interesting: entertainment, clubs, prices of Nikes, etc. The last HUGE paper is Paper #3 (4 to 6 pages please! not 2.5 or 3.76 pages), and the last small paper is the Final In-Class Essay on the last day of class. I think I will assign our very last Writing Assignment (WA#11) tomorrow in class.
So, in conclusion, after this week we have the following going on (all this is in your syllabi too!! Did all of you lose those already?)::
--Group Conferences Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. 12-4pm each day. 20 minutes long. 3-4 people in each group.
--Paper #3 is due by noon on Wednesday of Thanksgiving week.
--Final Presentations Dec. 2- Dec. 11. About 7 presentation openings per day. 10 minute slots.
--Class Evaluations on Dec. 9.
--Final In-Class Essay on Dec. 11.
--Pick up Paper #3 in class on Dec. 11 as well.
Paper #3 - I'm doing the "Who Am I" paper. I'm going to research birth order and my "Taurus" astrological sign and find out to see if that says who I'm supposed to be. Then I'm also going online and asking my friends "When you think of 'Jamie Ihry', what do you think? Most people are saying blonde, carefree...but we'll have to see! It's quite interesting to see what the first thing people think of when they hear my name! :)
Flowers For Algernon - I'm going to agree with Brett in saying that I don't think it was the best book ever. It was a good book, just not one of the most interesting. The cool thing about it was probably the writing style in how you had to kinda "translate" what Charlie was writing. :) But, it has a good message, so that's a good thing.
Flowers For Algernon - I'm going to agree with Brett in saying that I don't think it was the best book ever. It was a good book, just not one of the most interesting. The cool thing about it was probably the writing style in how you had to kinda "translate" what Charlie was writing. :) But, it has a good message, so that's a good thing.
Is WA#8 due Tuesday or Thursday?
Tomorrow in the computer lab (IACC 114):
-I'll hand back Paper #2s.
-Grades will be on Blackboard.
-I'll assign WA#8 (the one I forgot to assign way back when).
-You'll have time to search for sources that will help you with Paper #3 AND/OR the final presentations.. You can also: ask questions.... type up a draft for next week... read Flowers for Algernon... talk to others about what they are going to do... talk to others about being in a Final Presentation group project (if that's the option you want to do)...
Tuesday will be much the same. HOWEVER, you do have a rough draft due next Thursday (three copies of it actually) so that day might need to be reserved for typing up the draft, etc, instead of researching.
-I'll hand back Paper #2s.
-Grades will be on Blackboard.
-I'll assign WA#8 (the one I forgot to assign way back when).
-You'll have time to search for sources that will help you with Paper #3 AND/OR the final presentations.. You can also: ask questions.... type up a draft for next week... read Flowers for Algernon... talk to others about what they are going to do... talk to others about being in a Final Presentation group project (if that's the option you want to do)...
Tuesday will be much the same. HOWEVER, you do have a rough draft due next Thursday (three copies of it actually) so that day might need to be reserved for typing up the draft, etc, instead of researching.
Hey all. I am going to post what we are going to do in the computer lab (IACC 114) tomorrow here and on my teaching blog later on today... But I wanted to post what is going on for the next couple of weeks first....:
You have two papers and one project left. I want to clarify that!
-Paper #3 is due before Thanksgiving and has the 4 options (Who are YOU?, Flowers for Algernon theme, Media vs. Society, or stretching yourself more with the subject from your Paper #2).
-The Final Presentation/Project will take place after Thanksgiving, and it encompasses three options (a group project dealing with a fake business, an individual project all about one country, or an individual project dealing with a fake trip around the world).
-The Final In-Class Essay (last official "paper") will be assigned and handed in on the last day of classes.. this is NOT during finals week. We have no "final test" during finals week.
-The LAST discussion we will have regarding Flowers for Algernon will be next Thursday... after that discussion, we will have a peer review session so you NEED to have at least THREE rough drafts with you to give to others that you will have Group Conferences with.
-Group Writing Conferences consist of 3-4 members that conference over their papers TOGETHER and have received the drafts before the conferences. Group Conferences will be the Friday-Tuesday before Thanksgiving. You can sign up for them next Thursday (Nov 19?). During the Group Conferences, you will sign up for a day to present your Final Presentation.
So, we have a lot going on, but lots of time to get them all done too.. tomorrow and Tuesday will be spent in the computer lab so you can get started/caught up/done with researching this paper and final project.
You have two papers and one project left. I want to clarify that!
-Paper #3 is due before Thanksgiving and has the 4 options (Who are YOU?, Flowers for Algernon theme, Media vs. Society, or stretching yourself more with the subject from your Paper #2).
-The Final Presentation/Project will take place after Thanksgiving, and it encompasses three options (a group project dealing with a fake business, an individual project all about one country, or an individual project dealing with a fake trip around the world).
-The Final In-Class Essay (last official "paper") will be assigned and handed in on the last day of classes.. this is NOT during finals week. We have no "final test" during finals week.
-The LAST discussion we will have regarding Flowers for Algernon will be next Thursday... after that discussion, we will have a peer review session so you NEED to have at least THREE rough drafts with you to give to others that you will have Group Conferences with.
-Group Writing Conferences consist of 3-4 members that conference over their papers TOGETHER and have received the drafts before the conferences. Group Conferences will be the Friday-Tuesday before Thanksgiving. You can sign up for them next Thursday (Nov 19?). During the Group Conferences, you will sign up for a day to present your Final Presentation.
So, we have a lot going on, but lots of time to get them all done too.. tomorrow and Tuesday will be spent in the computer lab so you can get started/caught up/done with researching this paper and final project.
Well... I grabbed 12 papers on my way out of the office on Tuesday.., and it looks as though either people totally dived into this project.. or procrastinated big time. I am not sure I can blame any of that on me or my teaching...
Other Notes:
-Paper 2s will be handed back by next Thursday.. hopefully.
-The bookstore informed me that they don't have any books left and don't think they can order anymore quicker than you could get them through Amazon.com. SO, I am going to extend any assignments I give that are related to the book for those of you in my 12:30 that don't have it yet. You'll get two extra weeks.
-WA#8 was never really assigned. I will either assign it later (like next Thursday) OR use those points towards something else.
-Please do use the Discussionboard on our Blackboard site to let me know how you think this class is going. I dislike getting evaluations back that say "you should have done this" when I could have found out about it all earlier. Thanks.
-For those of you that just enrolled in Blackboard, I am sorry I haven't put your grades in there yet. I will be updating all grades (putting Paper#2 and WA#9) once I get to everyone's Paper#2. Better to do them all at once than three times.
Other Notes:
-Paper 2s will be handed back by next Thursday.. hopefully.
-The bookstore informed me that they don't have any books left and don't think they can order anymore quicker than you could get them through Amazon.com. SO, I am going to extend any assignments I give that are related to the book for those of you in my 12:30 that don't have it yet. You'll get two extra weeks.
-WA#8 was never really assigned. I will either assign it later (like next Thursday) OR use those points towards something else.
-Please do use the Discussionboard on our Blackboard site to let me know how you think this class is going. I dislike getting evaluations back that say "you should have done this" when I could have found out about it all earlier. Thanks.
-For those of you that just enrolled in Blackboard, I am sorry I haven't put your grades in there yet. I will be updating all grades (putting Paper#2 and WA#9) once I get to everyone's Paper#2. Better to do them all at once than three times.
Thanks guys
Matt - I thought Dreamweaver was awesome once I figured it out! It helped a lot!
Sarah - Yeah Halloween was pretty fun lol, although Saturday wasn't as fun! ha. Wish you would've been in Fargo!!!
Matt - I thought Dreamweaver was awesome once I figured it out! It helped a lot!
Sarah - Yeah Halloween was pretty fun lol, although Saturday wasn't as fun! ha. Wish you would've been in Fargo!!!
Well, I guess I should put up a link to my stretch project as well. I learned more of some html and learned how to use the program Dreamweaver. Then I research some Poker and found out the history and whatnot. Feel free to comment on here about what you think of it., cuz I dont think my link to my guestbook works, ahah :)
Jamie's Poker Site
Jamie's Poker Site